It is important that you read and agree to the following before entering the MALLORCA Olympic Triathlon.

  • I accept that this event is conducted under the rules and conditions of the Balearic Triathlon Federation, that I know them and that I will follow any instruction given by the organiser.
  • I declare that I am fit to take part in this event, and I understand that I take part entirely at my own risk and relieve the organiser of any responsibility for any injury, loss or damage sustained to either my person or my property as a result of my participation.
  • I confirm that on the day of the race I will inform the organisers of any medical conditions that I have which could be relevant at registration and to the medical team.
  • If the entrant is under 18, then a parent or guardian must have agreed to their participation.  By entering the event, either the parent or guardian is confirming their agreement.
  • If you are entering a relay team then all team members must have agreed to the above waiver and you are confirming this on their behalf.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change the routes, timetables where there is cause to do so.
  • All photos taken by the organization, including photos of the athletes participating in the race, during the event, may be used to promote this and future editions of the MALLORCA Olympic Triathlon.
  • DRAFTING IS PERMITTED IN THIS RACE.  This means NO TIME TRIAL BIKES, NO TRI BARS or AERO BARS and wheels have to have at least 12 spokes. Disc brakes are allowed.
  • The drop zone for water bottles and other waste will be just after each water or feed stations. Any waste thrown outside these zones will incur a penalty.
  • Cards. Judges will have 3 cards:
    YELLOW: Stop and go. For minor infringements.
    BLUE: If a competitor is given a blue card, on the swim or bike, they must wait for 5 minutes in the penalty box, which is at the entrance to T2, the transition between the bike and the run. If a competitor is given a blue card on the run, 5 minutes will be added to their finish time.
    RED: is an immediate disqualification.
    Any competitor that receives 3 cards will be disqualified.
  • The race organisers are not liable for the loss or damage of personal items in the transition area.
  • The maximum race time for the triathlon is 3 hours and 30 minutes. Athletes who exceed this time will not be included in the classification.


  • Registration fees are non-refundable.

Event cancellation

  • Cancellation due to ‘force Majeure’The organisers of Mallorca Olympic Triathlon reserve the right to respond to ‘force majeure’ by cancelling the event if:
    · There has been an occurrence that could reasonably be considered to be ‘force majeure’ (e.g. health pandemic, war/conflict, extreme weather event, terrorist threat).
    · The organisers have met any procedural requirements set out elsewhere in the ‘Rules’, and where reasonably practicable have taken steps to mitigate the impact of ‘force majeure’ and given adequate notice to the entrants affected by any cancellation(s).

In the event of a cancellation due to ‘force majeure’, the following will apply:

  • No refunds will be paid.
  • All entrants at the time of cancellation will be automatically transferred into the equivalent event(s) for the next available Mallorca Olympic Triathlon.
  • Entrants transferred to the next available Malllorca Olympic Triathlon may request deferral of their entry/entries for one (1) additional subsequent year. Such requests should be made by email to;
  • No alternative goods/services to the value of the transferred entries will be offered.

Full rules

General Rules.
In the case of anyone under 18 years of age, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) and/or accompanying adult(s) to ensure that the child understands these rules and that the child’s equipment, clothing, etc. is suitable, maintained, correctly prepared and used.

  • Competitors must exercise sound, mature judgment, carry out all reasonable instructions from officials and obey the laws of the land.
  • Competitors must follow instructions given by the police and event marshalls. Failure to do so will result in disqualification and may lead to disciplinary action by the Balearic Triathlon Federation. The police have the right to stop the event if they are unable to ensure the safety of the event.
  • Competitors are ultimately responsible for their own safety and for the safety of others.
  • Competitors must take responsibility for knowing the rules and abiding by them.
  • It is the competitor’s responsibility to be properly prepared for an event and to ensure that their equipment is suitable and fit for its intended purpose.
  • It is the competitor’s responsibility to know and correctly complete the full course of the event.
  • Triathlon is individual endurance events. Any teamwork that provides unfair advantage over other competitors is expressly forbidden. Drafting on the bike course is allowed.
  • No competitor shall be permitted to continue racing who, in the opinion of any race official, is physically incapable of continuing without sustaining physical damage or loss of life.

Race Conduct.

  • Competitors must conduct themselves in a proper manner and not bring the sport into disrepute.
  • All other competitors, officials, volunteers and spectators must be treated with respect and courtesy.
  • Threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct are not permitted and competitors may be disqualified for using such.
  • All competitors must wear any official swim cap, bib or numbers provided by the race organiser. These must be worn unaltered and be both visible and/or readable at all times.
  • Competitors must be adequately clothed at all times, the minimum being a one or two piece non-transparent swim suit together with a cycling or running top if appropriate. All competitors must ensure that their upper body (especially the chest area) is clothed during the cycling and running sections of the event.
  • Race equipment must not be discarded at any point on the course but must be placed in the athlete’s allotted position in transition – see Penalties.
  • No individual support by vehicle, bicycle or on foot is permitted except as provided by the organisers. Competitors may not receive any assistance other than that provided by the race organisers.
  • Parents/Guardians/Accompanying adults: Failure by a parent/guardian/accompanying adult to carry out instructions from officials, or failure to conduct themselves in a proper manner may lead to disqualification of the competitor and/or disciplinary action against the competitor by the Balearic Triathlon Federation. Misconduct by a parent/guardian/accompanying adult may include, but is not limited to:
    • Threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct.
    • Failure to obey marshals/officials instructions.
    • Handing water bottles or any other equipment to, or collecting them from competitors.
    • Tampering with the equipment of others.
    • Unsporting impedance.

Transition Areas.

  • In order to avoid accidents, safeguard equipment and protect personal possessions, athletes must not bring helpers, friends or family members into any transition area.
  • Pets are not permitted in the transition area.
  • Equipment must be PLACED in its allotted position and not where it may hinder the progress of other competitors. Equipment that is discarded will be regarded as a hindrance and a time penalty may be issued – see Penalties.
  • Cycles must be placed in their correct allotted position both at the start & finish of the cycle section. Cycles should be racked by either the seat pin or by the handlebars/brake levers unless other arrangements are provided. Cycles which are incorrectly racked may be determined as being an impedance to other athletes – see Penalties.
  • Competitors must mount their cycles and start riding only when the parts of both wheels which touch the ground are outside the transition area (i.e. at or beyond the officially designated cycle start).
  • When returning to transition competitors must dismount their cycle before any part of the cycle leaves the 3m dismount zone, which should be clearly marked before the end of the cycle course. They may then walk or run with their bike to its allocated position.
  • Competitors must not interfere with another competitor’s equipment in the transition area.
  • Competitors must not use any device to mark their position in transition. Any device or marker will be removed by the referee but if this is not possible a penalty will be applied – see Penalties.
  • Competitors are responsible for their own belongings in the transition area.

Race Numbers.

  • Race numbers provided by the organiser must not be altered, cut down, folded or in any way mutilated. Numbers so treated will result in a time penalty to the competitor if the offence is not corrected.
  • Race numbers must be affixed to the competitor’s clothing or to a suitable race belt or bib so that the number is clearly visible at all times.
  • During the swimming phase race numbers will NOT be worn. The judges reserve the right to disqualify any triathletes wearing race numbers during the swimming phase.
  • During the cycling phase a number must be displayed to the rear.
  • During the running phase a number must be displayed to the front.
  • Additional body marking may be provided by the organiser but this is not a substitute for, or replacement of, an official race number.

Swim Conduct.

  • Competitors may stand, or rest on the bottom, or on a non-moving object, but may not gain unfair advantage or make progress, other than is deemed necessary to execute entry into and exit from the designated swimming course by doing so. In shallow waters, an exact point when swimming must commence and may cease shall be appointed and marked.
  • Competitors shall at all times swim so that they do not deliberately obstruct or interfere with other competitors. Making contact other than by accident shall be declared unsporting impedance.
  • Race organisers may set a time limit for the swimming section.
  • At the end of the specified time limit any competitor still in the water shall be ordered to retire. Competitors refusing to retire will not be insured to continue racing and may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Swim hat can be taken out only at the arrival to T1, not before that. (New Rule 2023)

Cycle Conduct.

  • Every competitor must ensure that his or her cycle is in a safe and roadworthy condition and conforms to the technical specifications laid down by Balearic Triathlon Federation. This is a drafting race and so time trial bikes will NOT be allowed, Tri Bars and Aero bars will NOT be allowed and wheels must have at least 12 spokes.
  • During the event, competitors are individually responsible for the repair of their machines.
  • Where a competitor is preceded or followed for any length of time, or frequently passed, by the same motor vehicle not provided by the organisers, that vehicle shall be considered as being associated with the competitor and to be giving support.
  • Any part of the cycle course may be covered on foot but on these occasions the competitors must carry or push their own machines.
  • All competitors must follow any instructions given by the Police. Any infringement of the law and subsequent legal action is the sole responsibility of the competitor.
  • Competitors shall at all times cycle so that they do not deliberately obstruct or interfere with other competitors. Making contact other than by accident shall be declared unsporting impedance.
  • Helmets must be fastened before the competitor’s cycle is moved from its allotted place in the transition area and must remain fastened until the cycle is returned to this position at the end of the cycle section of the race. Failure to do so may result in a time penalty – see Penalties.
  • Competitors will discard their used water bottles and other waste in the designated Drop Zone, located just after the water station at the lighthouse turn point on the bike course. Discarded material anywhere else on the course can incur a penalty.


Competitors are allowed to draft. Women are NOT ALLOWED to draft on men. Men are NOT ALLOWED to draft on women. See rule 18.1 above.

Running Conduct.

  • No form of locomotion other than running or walking is permitted.
  • Competitors shall, at all times, run so that they do not deliberately obstruct or interfere with other competitors. Making contact other than by accident shall be declared unsporting impedance.
  • Competitors will discard their used water bottles and other waste in the designated Drop Zone, located just after the water station on the running loop. Discarded material anywhere else on the course can incur a penalty.


  • Competitors may only be penalised by readily identifiable race referees.
  • All infringements are to be reported to the senior race referee who will have the responsibility of posting penalties.
  • Penalties may be issued or disqualifications given at any time up to the announcement of the final results.
  • The following penalties will be imposed for infringements.

RED CARD: Disqualification.
a. Threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct.
b. Breaking road traffic regulations.
c. Dangerous conduct/riding.
d. Diving (but see Swim Conduct, section 17).
e. Failing to obey marshals or the Police.
f. Nudity.
g. Outside assistance.
h. Tampering with the equipment of others.
i. Unsporting impedance – including but not limited to incorrectly racked bikes, discarded equipment and the use of marking devices which impede others.
j. Course irregularities (unless the competitor returns to the point at which he/she left the course, or a point on the course prior to it, and then completes the course).
k. Breach of conduct by parent/guardian/accompanying adult.
RED CARD: Disqualification If Fault Not Rectified After A Warning.
m. Illegal equipment (swim, cycle or run equipment).
n. Banned equipment including, but not limited to, mobile telephones, MP3 players and personal stereos.
o. Illegal progress (during swim, cycle or run).
p. Racing topless.
BLUE CARD: 5 Minute Penalty might include but is not limited to the following:
q. Helmet violations (unclipping helmet whilst in contact with the cycle).
r. Number violations (not able to be altered after a warning).
s. Riding in the transition area.
t. Markers in transition that cannot be removed but do not impede the progress of others.
If a competitor is given a blue card, on the swim or bike, they must wait for 5 minutes in the penalty box, which is at the entrance to T2, the transition between the bike and the run. If a competitor is given a blue card on the run, 5 minutes will be added to their finish time.
YELLOW CARD: STOP START. Minor infringements.
If a competitor is given a yellow card, they must come to a complete stop, then continue.
Any competitor that receives 3 cards will be disqualified.


  • The race referee may issue discretionary penalties for infringements not listed above.
  • Penalties will be posted as soon as they are available, on the penalty board, by the senior referee. The penalty board will be provided by the race organiser and placed at an agreed position with easy access for competitors e.g.near transition or next to the results display.


  • An appeal is a request for a review of a decision made by a referee.
  • Appeals cannot be made against “judgment calls” by officials. Judgement calls include, but are not limited to, dangerous riding and unsporting conduct.
  • Appeals must be made in writing to the race referee within one hour of a penalty being posted and be accompanied by a fee of 15.00 Euros refundable if the appeal is upheld.